ION Words Hold Reality in Place

What Holds Current Reality in Place?

Turn Your I-On. Reality is a stream of inFormatIon = VibratIon. For many years, I’ve wondered, “If everything is vibration, how can we change reality?” IONATION is my perspective on the vibrational nature of reality. If everything is VibratION, everything is inFormatION. Light particles – like pixels – in configurAtION. I observe that ION words…

To the change makers

To The One Who Knows There is More

To the problem solvers, The change makers, The game changers, The artistic creators, The revolutionary thinkers, The anomalies in the system… The empathic sensitives, The flow state riders, The energy orchestrators, The endlessly in love, optimistic Ones. Our time has come. Ready to upgrade the System?

question reality

To the One Who Questions Reality

Reality is vibration, So, let’s get VIBRATIONALLY INTELLIGENT And rescript a new experiment.   That’s all reality is anyway, A grand divine play, A dance of particles in oscillation Set in motion by our thoughts and emotion, A response to every interaction.   Let’s move the “see” of humanity with greater vibrational mastery To honor…

IONATION® Foundational Operational Agreements

In this video, Darshana shares four foundational operating agreements to anchor the foundational concepts of vibrational intelligence into the collective field. Captain’s Log 08072020. Turn Your I·On. Reality is a stream of inFormatIon = VibratIon. IONATION®: The Field Guide to Vibrational Logic, distills insights attained from seven years of introspection about the nature of reality,…