Darshana Patel on "The Call Us Channelers"

They Call Us Channelers Interview

Are humans artificially intelligent? Kevin Moore interviews energy alchemist and channel, Darshana Patel, for his globally-renowned Docuseries, “They Call Us Channelers.” Recorded in 2018 and released in August 2020, Darshana discusses the global reset and evolution currently underway from the lens of vibration. If reality as a multidimensional field of information, how can we create…

how do you know what you know?

How Do You Know What You Know?

One of the biggest epiphanies I had in life was when I was asked, “How Do You Know What You Know?” At the time, I was swimming in limiting beliefs. And I didn’t quite have the perspective of stepping out of the conditIONed self far enough to see many of the constraining cognitION structures and…

IONATION® Foundational Operational Agreements

In this video, Darshana shares four foundational operating agreements to anchor the foundational concepts of vibrational intelligence into the collective field. Captain’s Log 08072020. Turn Your I·On. Reality is a stream of inFormatIon = VibratIon. IONATION®: The Field Guide to Vibrational Logic, distills insights attained from seven years of introspection about the nature of reality,…

If Everything is VibratION, What is Conflict?

If everything is VibratION, what is Conflict? Darshana explores conflict from the lens of vibrational intelligence. How is it possible that we seem to be living in different versions of reality on a grand scale? How can we problem-solve and resolve conflict from the notion that reality is vibration… a flow of inFormatIon? Let’s explore!…

Frustrated and Disillusioned? Broke on Through to the Other Side? Welcome to the Multidimensions

Darshana applies the IONATION® Framework in explaining the divergent realities we seem to be navigating. Emerging from the Matrix can be disillusioning, frustrating, and downright scary. And liberating and exhilarating and everything in between each emotion. It’s all energy. It’s all vibration. It’s all information. So let’s get vibrationally intelligent! TURN YOUR I-ON and experience…

Explore the Etymology of “ion” Words

Want a new reality? Maybe the deeper question is, “What holds current reality in place?” Turn Your I-ON. It’s all vibratION… in-format-ION. Change the frequency, the pulsation, the rhythm, the pattern, the information to change the form. Every “ion” matters. It is “the matter.” In the English language, every “ion” words (e.g., competition, civilization, meditation,…