About Darshana Patel

Utilizing IONATION® – the Lens, Language, and Logic of Vibration, I Guide Individuals and Groups as They Develop Their “Vibrational Intelligence.”

Individually, I advise clients on how to liberate their multidimensional potential, recognize their limiting beliefs, and upgrade to new versions of reality. Collectively, I synchronize groups into a coherent flow state to generate solutions from the realm of untapped, yet emergent creative potential, where literally anything is possible.

As a Reiki Master, Energy Intuitive, and Spiritual Teacher, I have facilitated over 2000 energy resolution and spiritual coaching sessions for a global community of explorers and have shared my teachings in 50 episodes of my show, “enLight’n up,” on The Lighter Side Network.

Gifted at birth with psychic abilities, I began hearing invisible beings from a very early age saying things like, “Everything is energy, and you have a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body.” At about age 4, I looked around and saw the web of interconnected energy – divine and creative – that entangled everything. I spent many years tangled in that web, but through the teachings of life’s tribulations, I learned first-hand how to find freedom from the entanglement, liberate myself from oppressive systems and shed the spiritual, psychological and emotional encasements that became too small and no longer fit.

I now know that I generate the dimensions of my matrix. Three weeks out of college I blindly entered into a traditional Hindu arranged marriage – generating the dimension of my matrix. Exiting seven years later, I began my unscripted journey, wide-eyed, with a baby in my arms and a freshly purchased gay pride rainbow shirt on my back – reconfiguring the dimension of my matrix. My journey has led me to explore many avenues of being – I have been a wife, a mother, a corporate consultant – and all of these roles have helped me to adjust and reshape the dimensions of my matrix.

Armed with expertise in information engineering, process optimization, organizational change and conflict, and vibrational alchemy, I donated my corporate suits, refashioned my tools, and became a spiritual warrior, again expanding and retooling the system, the worldview – the matrix in which I operate. With a BBA in information systems, a masters in conflict analysis & engagement, and twenty years consulting for the largest corporations in the world, I now use my unique capabilities in complex system transformation to help people transcend the boxes they are in, to discover their authentic and divine selves and to reshape their matrixes to reflect their expanding view of reality.

As a culmination of my life’s journey so far, IONATION®: The Field Guide to Vibrational Logic, distills insights attained from seven years of introspection about the nature of reality, and the knowing that everything is vibration. IONATION® is the foundation for a version of humankind where communities harmonize their existence to nurture self-actualization and multidimensional living. “Turn Your I-On” is a movement to recognize that “every ion matters” as frequency creates form in the vibrational nature of reality.

Client Testimonials

I have been a healer for many years utilizing astrology, tarot, channeling, clairvoyance and clairsentience in my work. I love learning about and experiencing all healing modalities. I tried receiving reiki and energy work for years. I felt nothing. I didn’t get it. Then I tried Darshana. It blew me away. I could barely stay on the table from the intensity. It was painful but not painful. It’s hard to describe. I felt hands on me but she wasn’t touching me. I felt energy blockages release that I didn’t know were there. I had visions of sacred geometry, guides and energy fields. I left feeling wrung out but in a good way. Darshana’s ability to harness and administer healing energy is such a gift.
Laure Boone
Entrepreneur, Healer, Teacher
Every session with Darshana led to me feeling calm, centered and expanded. I have never experienced so much during an energy session as I did every time with her. Her gifts have helped in every area of my life.
Jennifer Lynn Simpson
Artist, Musician
When I first started working with Darshana, I had no idea what to expect. I'd been feeling 'stuck' and couldn't quite figure out why. After our first session, I immediately felt lighter. As we have continued to work together, Darshana has become an invaluable guide for me on a process of personal transformation I never saw coming but can't imagine living without. I am grateful to know her, and to be able to benefit from her incredible gifts!
Non-Profit Program Director
I was intuitively guided to make a Reiki appointment with Darshana, not knowing what to expect. I left with a clear sense of the magnitude of my soul and a compelling motivation to shine my authentic light in the world. I also knew that Darshana was someone I was destined to work with to bring about global change and have since witnessed her magic in guiding groups into a flow state.
Rebecca Becker
Raising the Vibe
I came to Darshana with only the intention of curiosity based on a friend’s description. The experience can only be described as a birth; not a rebirth, but the start of a being virtually unrecognizable from the past. Within two weeks I began painting for the first time. In each session I literally leave this plane and return with a fresh expansion to explore.
Bryan Smith
VP, Marketing
There are very few people I would trust with my energy field. Even fewer that have the gentleness, discernment and power to effectively channel a healing recalibration of ones energy. Darshana accomplishes that effortlessly whether physically next to her or over 1,000 miles away, you feel her channeling energy through your body. The only way to describe the experience is as a total energy orgasm! Every cell in your body vibrates releasing the stress and negativity, leaving you feeling euphoric, calm and at peace.
Angela Petrozzino